Another assortment of photos from Yellowstone and Grand Teton. This may be the last installment, or it may not.
Hope you've enjoyed it so far and stay tuned for more.
The 12-foot cone of Lone Star Geyser.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
Lone Star Geyser, a relatively isolated major thermal feature.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
Lone Star's 40-foot eruptions have scarred the nearby landscape.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
Double Rainbow!!
Grand Teton Nat'l Park, WY
Oh my God!! A double, complete rainbow!
Grand Teton Nat'l Park, WY
Oh my God, its a full arc! Whoa, this is so intense...
Grand Teton Nat'l Park, WY
Oh, oh oh - Wow! It's so beautiful!
Grand Teton Nat'l Park, WY
What does this mean? It's so bright!
Grand Teton Nat'l Park, WY
Taking a ski lift at the Grand Targhee Resort.
Halfway to the top of the mountain.
Looking down into the Alaska Basin in the Bridger-Teton National Forest.
The backside of the Teton Range from the top of Grand Targhee.
The Alaska Basin and the backside of the Tetons.
Bridger-Teton National Forest, WY
Alaska Basin, from above.
Bridger-Teton National Forest, WY
The Alaska Basin
Bridger-Teton National Forest, WY
Looking back down at the Grand Targhee Resort.
Descending the mountainside to Grand Targhee Resort.
A high bluff rises above the Snake River.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
A hot spring-fed feeder stream flows to the Snake River.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
The banks of the Snake River, flanked by high bluffs.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
Snake River Hot Springs
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
Snake River Hot Springs II
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
Snake River Hot Springs III
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
Back on the trail after an unsatisfying attempt to swim in Snake Hot Springs.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
One last look at the big bluffs above the Snake.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park, WY
Surprise Lake
Grand Teton Nat'l Park, WY
Surprise Lake II
Grand Teton Nat'l Park, WY
Ampitheater Lake
Grand Teton Nat'l Park, WY
Ampitheater Lake II
Grand Teton Nat'l Park, WY
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